Respect at Work

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Incivility is contagious but so is respect

To quote a recent Gartner Survey (June 2019), 'the data reveals that the number one reason employees cite for leaving their job is respect, or lack of it. Respect rose seven places in 1Q19 to become the leading driver of attrition among Australian workers.'

Employees who feel respected in the workplace are happier, more present and more engaged.
Employees who feel disrespected in the workplace are more likely to be resentful, disengaged and looking to take their talents elsewhere.

Training participants often tell me that they demonstrate respect to all clients, regardless of their personal feelings towards that person.  They say that they would never disrespect a client - this is to be expected.  Customer service is important, and I know that personally a friendly and positive (respectful) exchange from a service provider can leave me smiling. Scientists tell us that smiling can help release our 'happy chemicals' (dopamine and serotonin), or, as my Mum always said; 'a smile tricks your brain into feeling happy’, seeing people happy certainly makes me feel brighter.

So, knowing that smiles are contagious can respect also be? Let's look at the opposite; think of a disagreement that spirals out of control, one person raises their voice, doesn't listen and uses unpleasant words (hmm = disrespects), before you know it the other person is acting the same way. Or, we've all been in situations where our happy vibe is affected by a room full of negativity and misery — so, disrespect CAN be contagious.

Imagine a situation (workplace) where colleagues treat each other well; they pay attention, listen, don't gossip, value opinions and individuality and don't judge - imagine a new person coming into this environment - an environment where they are welcome and supported to be their best selves. In this situation respect becomes the norm, the benchmark for colleagues to measure up to. New employees 'catch' the respectful behaviours thus continuing the respectful environment.

We're all responsible for our workplace behaviour, let's actively engage in and encourage the culture we want to be part of.

Contact us to organise Respect at Work training for your teams
