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2024 Here we go
I want 2024 to be a great year! not a good year but a GREAT year. I want to be engaged, compassionate, and of course respectful - to everyone I meet but also to myself.

What do you do when you feel disrespected at work?
Once you have checked your perspective and gathered your facts, practice self-advocacy, approach the person and speak to them about how their behaviour is making you feel.
Remember that you have the right to be treated with respect and compassion.

Did you hear about Maggie?
Is gossip like an addiction that some find near impossible to quit?

Microaggressions and gaslighting
If we let bad behaviours ‘fly under the radar’, we become part of the problem.

Pass it on
Employees who feel respected in the workplace are happier, more present and more engaged.
Employees who feel disrespected in the workplace are more likely to be resentful, disengaged and looking to take their talents elsewhere.

Are you supportive? Always?
It's easy to be supportive of our friends or when it suits us, my responsibility as an employee is to exercise duty of care for ALL of my workmates, ALL of the time — this starts with support and respect.