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Self-respect and 2024 stats
Do you need self-respect before you can respect others?
7 attributes necessary for a Respectful Organisational Culture
Respect at Work is 7
So to celebrate the number 7, here are our top 7 attributes that we expect to see in a respectful organisation
New posters/magnets, Positive Duty, great feedback, and WorkSafe Month
New Posters/magnets. You can access them here Posters — Respect at Work, or please get in touch if you would like some magnet versions for your office fridge/filing cabinets.
Culture is NOT someone else’s job.
We are all an active participant in our cultures and subcultures just by virtue of being there.
Workplace toxicity
Let’s remember our humanness, our workplace responsibilities, and our compassion.
If you see someone struggling please check-in, support, and speak up.
Psychological safety (and wellbeing) and psychological health and safety - it IS ok to talk about both
I recently read (in a conference blurb that I intend on attending) that many people are ‘butchering the understanding of psychological health and safety’, and that one of the key red flags of this butchering is if the person quotes Amy Edmonson (as I do constantly).
Resilience (yes again)
‘Resilience isn’t just about learning ways to cope with unfavourable situations, but about identifying ways that will help you move forward so you don’t get ‘stuck’ in places that are detrimental to your overall wellbeing.’
2024 Here we go
I want 2024 to be a great year! not a good year but a GREAT year. I want to be engaged, compassionate, and of course respectful - to everyone I meet but also to myself.