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Self-respect and 2024 stats
Do you need self-respect before you can respect others?
7 attributes necessary for a Respectful Organisational Culture
Respect at Work is 7
So to celebrate the number 7, here are our top 7 attributes that we expect to see in a respectful organisation
New posters/magnets, Positive Duty, great feedback, and WorkSafe Month
New Posters/magnets. You can access them here Posters — Respect at Work, or please get in touch if you would like some magnet versions for your office fridge/filing cabinets.
Workplace toxicity
Let’s remember our humanness, our workplace responsibilities, and our compassion.
If you see someone struggling please check-in, support, and speak up.
Why do sensible, professional adults act like toddlers?
I am gobsmacked by defensive, angry people/adults in workplaces who are firmly set on ‘pay-back’ and revenge who could instead attempt to listen with compassion and empathy.
What do you do when you feel disrespected at work?
Once you have checked your perspective and gathered your facts, practice self-advocacy, approach the person and speak to them about how their behaviour is making you feel.
Remember that you have the right to be treated with respect and compassion.
Did you hear about Maggie?
Is gossip like an addiction that some find near impossible to quit?
Respect and Diversity
Our world will never stop being diverse, by investing in (and respecting) diversity and inclusion you are putting your best foot forward and staying ahead of the game.
Image credit to Internet Reputation
Disrespect and bullying
How do you distinguish between disrespect and bullying? I don’t think you do – disrespect can easily form part (or possibly all) of a bullying complaint.
Integrity wins
Respect needs trust, trust needs respect and personal integrity should be at the forefront.
Water is to goldfish as culture is to ..?
Our cultural self helps to define our identity.
Who I am is influenced by my upbringing, my family, life experiences, education, relationships, work experiences, trauma, tragedy, successes and failures.