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Psychological safety (and wellbeing) and psychological health and safety - it IS ok to talk about both

Psychological safety (and wellbeing) and psychological health and safety - it IS ok to talk about both

I recently read (in a conference blurb that I intend on attending) that many people are ‘butchering the understanding of psychological health and safety’, and that one of the key red flags of this butchering is if the person quotes Amy Edmonson (as I do constantly).

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2020, Teams Roz Taylor 2020, Teams Roz Taylor


Your workplace needs to make some changes for the good of your staff / customers / stakeholders.

How will you maintain a positive workplace culture during the change process?

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2020 Roz Taylor 2020 Roz Taylor

New Normal?

In our 'new workplace normal' putting people first has never been as important.

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2020 Roz Taylor 2020 Roz Taylor

Practicing what I preach

I wish that respect was something once gained and never lost.

I wish that respect (both self-respect and for others) was always easy no matter what mood we might be in.

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