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Simple and small things you can do to make a difference
Listen to your staff – you can’t fix what you don’t understand
Data. The productivity benefits of psychologically safe workplaces
‘..organisations, on average, can expect a positive return on investment (ROI) of 2.3.’
Disrespect and bullying
How do you distinguish between disrespect and bullying? I don’t think you do – disrespect can easily form part (or possibly all) of a bullying complaint.
Our managers are unapproachable. Our managers don’t act.
Do your manager/s have the skills and training to deal with the bullying behaviours?
Where is your focus?
Be an active consumer of your workplace.
Walk around, have conversations, feel the vibe.
Are you listening?
It’s what happens AFTER the learning that makes the difference.
There is so much good information around at the moment but it’s only useful if you listen and apply it.
How do you want to feel at work?
Every time I am with a new group of training participants, I ask the question ‘how do you want to feel at work?’
Back to work
Investing in your people and your culture is more important now than ever before.
New Normal?
In our 'new workplace normal' putting people first has never been as important.
We're all Wonder Women
Let's be advocates for ourselves and our female co-workers, not just for IWD but every day.
Practicing what I preach
I wish that respect was something once gained and never lost.
I wish that respect (both self-respect and for others) was always easy no matter what mood we might be in.
Happily DISC delivered everything I hoped for and I am excited to start using it.
Words - Open to interpretation?
Words often become an issue when they are attached to the concept of 'political correctness'; that concept itself is then verbalised with invisible air inverted commas " ".
Stress and Burn-out
The World Health Organisation declared workplace burnout to be an occupational phenomenon.
Pass it on
Employees who feel respected in the workplace are happier, more present and more engaged.
Employees who feel disrespected in the workplace are more likely to be resentful, disengaged and looking to take their talents elsewhere.
“Silence is golden, but sometimes it’s just plain yella”
Your input, your voice and your ears are powerful tools that contribute to the culture that you want, and are willing to accept.